MANUFACTURAS MAHER II, S.L., with Tax Identification Number B26405001, and registered address at Av. Lentiscares 40-42 (P.I. Lentiscares), 26370 – Navarrete (La Rioja), a company registered with the Commercial Register of La Rioja, Volume 630, Folio 43, Page LO – 10992, 1st entry, as owner of the website, in accordance with the requirements established in Organic Law on Data Protection 15/99 of December 13 and the Law of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Trade 34/2002 of July 11, informs you of its personal data protection policy and reserves the right to modify this policy, after informing you of the changes to it through this notice.
By voluntarily providing your personal information through any email or form on this website and agreeing to submit them, you expressly authorize MANUFACTURAS MAHER II, S.L. to process the data submitted and to add it into a file owned by them for the following purposes:
– To contact you in response to your request and to inform you about products and services offered by this company through any means of communication, including electronic ones.
MANUFACTURAS MAHER II, S.L. expresses its commitment to confidentiality regarding the processing of your personal data.
MANUFACTURAS MAHER II, S.L. may retain your data once any relationship with the user has come to an end in order to comply with their legal obligations. In the event that the data collected be used for any purpose other than that for which it was collected, the prior consent of those concerned will be required.
MANUFACTURAS MAHER II, S.L. has implemented any necessary technical measures to prevent any alteration, loss or unauthorized processing of the personal data you provide, while taking into account the limitations of the Internet.
You are entitled to access the information concerning yourself, correct it if erroneous, cancel it or oppose to its processing through an email or letter to: MANUFACTURAS MAHER II, S.L., Avenida Lentiscares – P.I. LENTISCARES 40-42, 26370, NAVARRETE, LA RIOJA.

This company has received a grant co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund for the project “New o-ring insertion systems, coordinate measurement, refrigeration and auxiliary equipment” and for the “Construction of a warehouse, machinery and computer equipment”. These projects contribute to the Objective “OT3. TO BUILD A MORE COMPETITIVE ENTREPRENEURIAL NETWORK”, of the FEDER Operational Programme of La Rioja 2014-2020.